I decided to have a look around for an alternative to WordPress. I must admit I do have a tendency to do this from time to time. Anyway, enter Ghost. No php, just pure js built for the new … Continue reading
Category: Raspberry Pi
SSL / TLS / HTTPS Enabled, IRC Server Running
Nailed it, I knew I could work out how to get a darned IRC server up and running. So now you can spam my name into the chat and it will alert me like mad that you are trying to … Continue reading
Initial Tests for a McRetroNet IRC Server
Well, for the most part it seemed to work for a while and I was able to join in on my conversation with myself a few times. IRC might be a good way of having an instant chat that is … Continue reading
Generating Custom Darknet Onion Names
Shallot is a great little program for generating your own vanity darknet onion address. I’ve used it for my old http://mcretro35qepy5cy.onion/ address. I figured I’d share how it all works.
So I fired up the old Ubuntu 16.04 (64-bit) and … Continue reading
ZeroNet, BitTorrent and Another Darknet
Just a few days ago I managed to get WordPress to play nice with my darknet (Tor) website, meaning McRetro.net is now mirrored 100% to the mcretro35qepy5cy.onion address. Magnificent! That got me thinking though, what other darknets could I get … Continue reading
Moved (Back) to WordPress
If you can see this post, it means that I managed to get the website working sufficiently well under WordPress on a Raspberry Pi 2. While I had used FlatPress for a while, I felt like I was missing out … Continue reading
Debian, Uptime and Darknets
This one has always been a tricky one for me, trying to remember which Raspberry Pi was running which version of Raspbian / Debian. I guess you’ll have some idea of what you are running depending which command works for … Continue reading
Take Back The Darknet (Part 14)
Part 14 – Testing the Waters
Time to get some content up on your web server. You can either fire up Samba or use terminal to create a new website, etc, etc.
Use Notepad, TextEdit, Nano or some other basic … Continue reading
Take Back the Darknet (Part 13)
Part 13 – Generating a Domain Name
Use the vanity generator (Shallot) to make some private keys.
Advance onward to part 14 or head back to the table of contents on page 1.… Continue reading
Take Back the Darknet (Part 12)
Part 12 – Hardening Tor
If you have multiple websites you can adjust these. If you are just using /var/www/ adjust accordingly.
cd /var/www/
sudo mkdir website1
sudo chown -R www-data /var/www/website1/
sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www/website1/
cd /var/www/
… Continue reading