Changelog for: http://mcretro4lov3ycyvikjdeer3dgl5wel5aer6xakj5mxa26a3qvrp22qd.onion http://retro56qdosu3zuisr5tiuh7ihpn6owzpwjwvs7djlweiqb3mcspahyd.onion To Do - GitHub for static websites - Channel Chirp ideally. - Image cycle on front page (randomised). 2024-12-14 - Migrated from RPi4 to x64 NUC. - Downtime of around one to two months, whoops. - https (via Cloudflare) has been fixed, I think. 2024-09-30 - Cleaned up rebrand, removed references to old name. - Continuing to release new videos from Fish Tank World. 2024-08-25 - Fish Tank World YouTube channel deleted. - Video will be merged with Nix McRetro's main channel. - Also rebranded a little while ago as Nix McRetro. - Channel Chirp videos have been added to Nix McRetro's channel as drafts. - Need to merge into (in time order). - Then need to have a static GitHub site (as listed under the To Do section. 2024-03-17 - Contact form is broken. How long has it been broken? I don't know. - Contact form removed. Reach me through social media, like BlueSky or Tumblr. - Removed WPForms and hCaptcha as no more forms. Easy! - Page caching enabled - we're still on a 4G internet connection. 2023-12-18 - Cloudflare Argo Tunnel active to bypass CG-NAT - set latency to maximum. 2023-10-13 - The GeoCities archive rebuild (v6) has been mothballed. - Abandoning Docker migration; Raspberry Pi is here to stay. 2023-08-02 - Migration complete for and - Splash pages exist on and - Started swapping donation links to - Got the header working on after a decade! - Added a marquee to 2023-07-24 - Began migration to - Began migration to - Fixed new sitemap width to suit mobile devices slightly better. - Adjusted title cycling text to be slightly smaller to prevent overflow to next line. 2023-07-05 - Removed hardware page - I'm no longer a collector. - Installed sitemap page from - width is broken for mobile. 2023-06-26 - Considering moving to Docker for portability. - Considering moving static sites to GitHub for offsite hosting. - Rejiggered the YouTube Channel page - now has five channels, up from two. - Homepage text refreshed, reworded slightly. - Removed server stats from About page. 2022-11-15 - GeoCities is back online after a few months downtime. - Removed outdated plugins. 2022-06-13 - GeoCities rebuild proof of concept complete. - Disabled, taking it offline. - Still available locally and on the darknet address below: - geocitiesllczuf44da2nj45jn3fntdjpw27ercfbhkrw3mnegti7pid.onion 2022-01-23 - Cloudflare CDN now in use. - Covers GeoCities, Assembler and more. - Using ddclient 3.9.1 with Cloudflare support. - Will allow for "Always Online". - Onion (Tor) addresses still work when accessed via https sites. 2021-12-29 - Started work on hosting an AssemblerGames mirror. 2021-10-02 - Broke the footer (0 bytes). - Fixed the footer. - Added dogecoin donation links on each page. - Generation of v3 vanity onions for darknet domains is underway. 2021-09-26 - Moved most subsites to subdomains, allowing for better future darknet integration. - Migrated to a Raspberry Pi 4 (Ubuntu 20.04.03). - Proxyserver enabled for subdomain for load balancing. - Established, speed capped at 10kb/sec. 2021-05-14 - Dockerisation failed (Tor requirements). - Migrated to a Raspberry Pi 3B+ (Ubuntu 20.04.02). 2020-12-20 - Migrated to aarch64 (Apple M1). - Now running Ubuntu 20.04.01 on a Parallels VM. 2020-10-04 - Migrated to VM from a dedicated Raspberry Pi. - Now running Ubuntu 20.04.01 on a VirtualBox 6.1 VM. - v2 onion domains retired. 2019-08-21 - v2 onion domains active. - v3 onion domains active. 2019-08-10 - Multi-domain support for onion domains using WordPress filter hooks. 2019-08-04 - Began work on 56 character v3 onion addresses. - Migrated to Buster. 2019-02-14 - Shortened the permalink structure. 2019-01-20 - Converted the header text to CSS. - Fixed YouTube video formatting. - Nuked sidebar calender. 2018-12-28 - Upgraded Photo Gallery to Single File PHP Gallery. - Removed Emulation Realm 124 (ER124) and The Glitch (09/09/1999). - Limited social media contact information, too many avenues. 2018-12-21 - Upgraded to faster SD card. 2018-06-16 - Moved back to Raspberry Pi (Model 3 B+). - Turns out the old site was undervolting and powering off. - Cause was thin wiring in the RetroFlag NesPi Case. 2018-03-15 - Uptime of 18 days. The fan works well! 2018-03-02 - Removed a bunch of rogue iframes for YouTube. 2018-02-25 - Installed a 5V fan on a 3V3 GPIO pin. - Boosted CPU speed to 1800MHz. - 40 degrees Celcius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) idle. 2018-02-10 - Reintegrated all "Imported" posts from 2013-2015. - Slowed CPU speed to 1200MHz on Tinker Board to prevent overheating. - Fixed all darknet links on 2018-02-05 - TLS/SSL (https) enabled via Let's Encrypt. - DNSSEC enabled sitewide. - FTP server enabled. - Full resolution photos moved to FTP server. 2018-02-03 - Much changes. - Moved to MariaDB from MySQL. - Online shop purged completely. - Lost my https. - Darknet probably broken again too. - Almost got the ftp server working though. 2016-07-03 - OpenCart is having issues with TLS. - Moved the shop back to WooCommerce in WordPress. - has been nuked for now. 2016-06-29 - is live on encrypted port 6697. - TLS/SSL (https) enabled on all sites - Moved more images into the WordPress directory structure. 2016-06-19 - So many changes over the past few months. - is now working. - is now working and mirrors the darknet. - Added "Latest News" table back onto the front page. - Investigating setting up an IRC server. 2016-03-17 - A store page has been added and is now under test. - Resurrected the contact form, that shouldn't have been down for so long. - Tweaked the general layout even more. 2016-03-12 - Lightened the background colour slightly. - Sorted out the social icons at the top, they spin now. 2016-03-03 - Fixed the darknet (tor) mirror. WordPress and absolute links... 2016-02-09 - Sanding the rough edges on the WordPress theme. 2016-02-08 - Major overhaul, moving to WordPress. 2016-01-12 - Dropped font size to 14. 16 is far too big. Wikipedia uses 14. 2016-01-11 - File Server is active. - Fixed last updated date on pages that were not the front page. 2016-01-07 - Upgraded font size to 16. - Added cellspacing to text on front page underneath image. - Hid the blogroll, *should* remove it. 2016-01-05 - 41 days uptime, decided to rebuild server using Raspbian Jessie Lite. - Enabled speed limits to 56kbps - 7000 bytes per second. - Any code now displays in a shadowed box. 2015-12-29 - Photos page now displays gallery if on a modern browser. - YouTube page now shows most recent video rather than subscription video. - Reduced front page blog items from four to three. 2015-12-06 - Livestreaming via 4G WiFi dongle has better upload - 80kB/sec vs 480kB/sec. - Improved header images on both Shane McRetro and McRetro Gaming YouTubes. - Fixed YouTube "About" pages so that links are current. - Added more draft pages from old guides and hardware on former website. - Noted 13 days uptime on the Raspberry Pi 2. Gotta love Linux! - Updated 404 not found page with a Zero Wing face palm. - Added latest updates section to front page, last four posts pulled from blog. 2015-12-01 - Tidied up YouTube descriptions on most popular videos. - Livestream on PS4 works OK, really need more upload bandwidth. 2015-11-27 - Purged tags from YouTube videos. - Added tags to YouTube videos. - McRetro Gaming livestream is somewhat successful - 360p maximum. - Initial tests with Blue Yeti Microphone. 2015-11-26 - Keeping the server on the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. - Fixed CPU utilisation percentages, was 1 core, now 4 cores. - Corrected Shane McRetro and McRetro Gaming YouTube Channel links. 2015-11-15 - Imported YouTube videos from July 2013 to present. - Updated sitemap for both / and /blog/ - Modified search box to include advanced search options. 2015-11-14 - Completed importing posts from 2012-2013. - Resized images that exceeded the 560px width of column1. 2015-11-13 - Cleaned up some more imported posts, 137 posts to go. 2015-11-11 - Started to tidy up imported posts. - Deleted "Science with Shane" YouTube Channel. - Updated channel links to McRetroGaming and ShaneMcRetro. - Optimised some internal links to avoid redirects. - Updated root sitemap.xml 2015-11-10 - Hacked up a python script to convert WordPress XML to FlatPress. - Deleted all previously imported posts (~2000). - Broke the blog, post import failed to rebuild properly. - Fixed the blog, format was ddmmyy, should have been yymmdd. - Imported 237 posts vs ~2000 with previous method. - Repaired blog .htaccess file, leftover code was causing redirect issues. - Generated sitemap for / (manual) and /blog (updates on publish). - Imported comments from WordPress. 2015-11-09 - Revised changelog formatting. - Added statistics via Webalyzer. 2015-11-08 - Removed Dropplets blogging platform. - Installed FlatPress blog in place of Dropplets. - Configured FlatPress theme heavily to match website. - Imported all old Wordpress posts including ALL revisions..! 2015-11-03 - Added Games section to header. - Added Asteroids and initial formatting / layout. - Rejiggered the CSS, mainly consolidated code. 2015-10-29 - Added Google Drive to File Server page. - Basic password protection on /files/public/ - Merged onion and clearnet website for ease of configuration. - Disabled indexes via “Options -Indexes” sitewide. - Enabled indexes via “Options +Indexes” for /files/public/ 2015-10-28 - Started a changelog to track website progress. - YouTube page now has subscription videos. - Screen captures of older Netscape versions to the about page. - Added align="center" to