Thirty Days Has September

Well, university has been a big false start. I’ve gone with option 4 from the last blog post. That’s dropping all subjects and reapplying to UAC after I get all my other stuff in order. My other stuff is my life… getting my life in order, should be an easy task right?

I’ve been trialling medications (as always) and found I take less selfies of myself when not on pregabalin. I suppose I find that I am less accepting of myself. It’s strange. Almost like my baseline self doesn’t like me so much I need to be somewhat not me.

That could be the autism talking though. That’s right, I’m autistic. Which is actually kind of neat and explains a lot. I’ve had a few independent people suggest it and a psychiatrist confirm it. I am very happy with that. It helps me understand myself a little bit more.

In the past month, I have had a very productive psychiatrist session. Let me just say these trees outside of Museum train station were more vibrant than they have ever been. In the session itself, trauma was unpacked. Organised and packed back away. It feels so strange to open up completely to a person external to your own self.

One year ago I abandoned my pursuit of the disability support pension (DSP) because my psychologist at the time didn’t think it was feasible. Now I am seeing a psychiatrist who is more open to discussion on the subject rather than shooting me down. So we’ll see where that leads.

Also had an appointment with my endocrinologist – all my blood work is looking good. 5,000 IU per day of D3 appears to be increasing my phosphate levels. If it keeps increasing then I can look into getting a shot of 600,000 IU intramuscular D3 that should last a while.

I was given this controller as a gift to go with an Xbox I found on the side of the road in May. The batteries had leaked (as they do). So it needed an inspection and clean.

The contacts were a bit corroded so I figured I’d fix it up.

And fixed!

I sourced a new third party power supply and it actually worked! Armed with a working controller, power adapter and functional console… there was only one thing left to do. Bend it to my will. It must play all the games! Mod time!

Oh good, really small points that need soldering. I mean I’ve softmodded a Wii before… and installed modchips into Xbox OG. How hard can an Xbox 360 be?

Ehhhh, it was kind of annoying. PLL points and all that jazz.

But the Pico Pi finally has a use beyond blinking an LED or blinking multiple LEDs.

So much could have went wrong…

But it didn’t. It actually worked. I’m still capable of following guides and doing tech-related stuff. Then I remembered I had to drop uni. So I did. After census date, which creates a bit more hassle but nothing I can’t probably handle.

And then of course this result comes through on the day I submit my request to drop my degree. I bet I get a lower mark next time around. Ha ha!

I binged all of The Owl House. Amazing show, I highly recommend it for anyone. Season 3 was just the icing on the cake.

The first cicadas of spring have appeared, the itty bitty Silver Princess cicadas. The larger cicadas aren’t due until mid-November if my calendar is correct.

Until they appear, we have plenty of skinks in my window frames nearly being squished every time I open the window…

And the lizards that hide in the garden getting watered – sorry little guy! Apart from all that, I started writing in a journal to capture some of my thoughts, and so far so good. It feels nice when awake at 3am to capture some of the things that are bouncing around in my head.

University has shown me even more great people and just love being around them. I love listening. Not sure what it is. Now, I just need to wait for the 3rd October when I’ll hopefully receive an offer for university in 2025. Fingers crossed! 🙃

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