I was going to just sell this one for scrap. I did some more tests and found that the video flicker I had found when testing happens on a cold boot only. After running for thirty minutes or so… no … Continue reading
Geist Force on Sega Dreamcast
Also looks like I’ve been lucky enough to pick up a copy of the very limited run of Geist Force from over on the ASSEMbler forums… Continue reading
Sega Saturn Sophia Dev Kit – Internal View
She’s a bit dirty, I’ll give her the best clean ever and make her shine like new! Sadly non-functional due to a complete … Continue reading
Amstrad Sega Mega PC 486 CPU Upgrade Failure
First up we have some test desoldering of a RAM chip off a RAM chip board to see if this would even work … Continue reading
Amstrad Sega Mega PC 386SX CPU Replacement
The time has come. We wish you a safe journey AMD 386SX CPU. You have served us well. Armed with a heat gun and flux, work begins to create a 50MHz Amstrad Mega PC motherboard.
EDIT: Everything is on fire! … Continue reading
Sega Mega Drive 2 DC-In Power Socket Repair
Got a bad feeling about your DC-in power socket on your Mega Drive 2? Why not crack it open and have a … Continue reading
Sega Mega Drive 32X Photos
The Mega Drive 32X. One small step for man. 50,000 polygons for mankind.
Nice rear.
AV in, AV out – what a meddlesome middleman!
Good old Sega Ozisoft, weren’t they a bunch of jolly jokers!
My 32X thankfully came with … Continue reading
Arcade Power Sticks for the Sega Mega Drive
A rather slow weekend. It was spent mainly looking through what I have and trying to determine what I will part with. I cleaned out a Sega Mega Drive Arcade Power Stick to sell. Cleaned up pretty well!
I then … Continue reading
Learning to Desolder Microchips
Faulty Sega Saturn from Japan (CD Deck Issues)
You might remember the above video from a while back if you are a regular. The disc spins backward and the … Continue reading