Caps The Game: Sonic The Hedgehog –

Caps The Game: Sonic The Hedgehog

A fair amount of these are originals from the mid-90s when I picked them up at the local newsagent. I’ll be rescanning and optimising them onto my Sonic the Hedgehog website in the near future. These caps were the Australian variant. Josh and I collected these as I fondly remember watching Sonic SatAM on Cheez TV.

The original ones I scanned in were done on a gigantic SCSI-based scanner on an old PC from the same time period. Incredibly, the Wayback Machine captured the original scans I had uploaded in 1994/1995. They are the current images on my Sonic website. The old PC we used might have even had a Creative Labs CD-200 2x CD-ROM. Such amazing times to grow up in!

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