Take Back the Darknet (Part 1) – McRetro.net

Take Back the Darknet (Part 1)

Objective: Host a darknet website on a Raspberry Pi.

Kickass Darknet Web Server TOC:
Part 1 - Preamble and Requirements
Part 2 - Image Raspbian, Basic Settings and Updates
Part 3 - Setting a Static IP Address
Part 4 - Hardening Your Pi
Part 5 - Installing Apache 2.4 HTTP Server
Part 6 - Installing Samba Server
Part 7 - Hardening Apache and Secure Shell
Part 8 - Installing Tor
Part 9 - Configuring Apache
Part 10 - Configuring Tor
Part 11 - Configuring HTTPS (SSL)
Part 12 - Hardening Tor
Part 13 - Generating a Domain Name
Part 14 - Testing the Waters

Why host a darknet website?
It’s as cheap as free is why! You get a domain name free of charge, that means no more paying the corporations for yearly access to your domain name. You never really own it in the clearnet, you rent! Rent money is dead money!

Isn’t the darknet only for [insert strange and/or illegal things]?
That’s only what makes headlines. Take this website for example, would mainstream media ever be able to have you fear the darknet by talking about this website? It’s very unlikely. Always remember the sensationalist media is just that, sensationalist!

Take back the darknet!
The darknet is waiting to be taken back by people like you who want to host their own content free of charge. Join us!

- 1x Raspberry Pi with an ethernet port.
- 1x 4GB or larger MicroSD card, any class / speed.
- Ethernet (Wi-Fi is not covered in this guide).
- Raspbian Jessie Lite (Nov 2015).
- Private key for a vanity darknet address (optional).

Advance onward to part 2 or use the table of contents above to navigate.

Creative Commons License Netscape Internet Explorer ICQ Powered by Debian! Tor - Anonymity Online mIRC for all! Do Only Good Everyday!

Established February 2012 and was last updated 9th of February 2025. You are visitor number Counter since sometime in the mid-1990s. We are powered by a Raspberry Pi.