Split up, we covertly sneak into The Hive of Darkness lair in our Koubus. Destroying the Hexmechs is the only way forward… and those machines are pumping them out at record speeds! We’ll disable them first if we can… four against many… I hope the others are doing alright!
In other news, I’ve opened my Saturn (This is COOL) and found it has a VA15 mainboard. I reflowed the AV port sockets with no change, still jittery. The caps are probably my next target as they looked awfully dated, even for a Saturn from March 1998. That’s 22 years! At least all the caps are through-hole – that was very surprising and my Hakko 808 poked his nose out the basket he has been sitting in. Stay tuned!
Edit: I didn’t mention… but we’re on to DISC 2 now! Woohoo! š