Where on earth have I been? It’s like I fell down the rabbit hole with Alice. Wait, not that Alice. Do not click that link. Anyway, as you can see in the above cart I’ve been working on getting back into shape for winter. After all that’s when I leave the house the most, otherwise, the sun cooks away my skin and the scorpions, spiders, and snakes all attack. Thankfully in winter, they are all in hibernation, probably making more mini-nopes.
I’ve been helping a friend with their PhD, which stands for Doctor of Philosophy, of course coming from the Latin “philosophiae doctor”. At least doctor is the same in Latin as it is in modern-day English. More than anything I’ve been working with LimeSurvey. After playing around with version 2.06+ and 2.50+ I can safely say that 2.50+ is terrible. I rolled back (couldn’t take the survey database with me though…) and it has been much more pleasant. Buyer beware! Oh wait, it’s more open source free software! π I’d highly recommend anyone in the survey business to give 2.06+ a go along with a nice Tools for Research template. Initially, I was holding out on them releasing a nice 2.50+ template, but that doesn’t seem to be progressing very quickly.
All my consoles and repairs are on hold while I try to get my life back on the line and sort out this survey mess. Now I just need to learn some SPSS data analysis-a-nating, how hard could that be? Right? RIGHT? π
I’ve managed to rebuild the website without breaking too many things, actually I fixed some things! The contact form is working again, again. The header text isn’t cropped and most importantly I’ve worked out how to configure Apache 2.4 to host multiple websites and subdomains from the one Raspberry Pi. Check out the placeholder for the shop – it’s magical! Oh… I did break the darknet side of things again, WordPress 4.5.3 seems to have broken my make-all-links-relative-not-bloody-absolute plugin. That could be a problem…
Stay retro readers!