Weight Loss 2020 – McRetro.net

Weight Loss 2020

Talk about deja vu! I set a New Year’s resolution to lose some weight… again. To do that I’ve employed my good friend salmon. Don’t worry he won’t get any kickbacks.

2016 was the year of weight loss where I managed to shed my weight way, way down to a healthy BMI. Unfortunately 2017, 2018 and 2019 were all filled with food, glorious food! With that said, there’s no reason I can’t do this every fourth year, right? These blighters are part of the reason I’m overweight! They’re delicious!

The trends are all facing down, we’ve got salmon, milk and turkey bread rolls steering me to the path of glory. Not that there’s much glory in losing weight. Shouldn’t have put it on in the first place really. My biggest issue in the past was being at work and being too stressed to make a proper lunch. This time around, I’ve solved that issue so I’ll be a healthy weight by late this year. Steady as she goes captain!

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