The Amstrad PPC640 Portable 8086 Overview –

The Amstrad PPC640 Portable 8086 Overview

Here’s an Amstrad PPC-640 I picked up a little while ago. A close relative of the Amstrad PPC512. It was an accidental purchase as I was explaining to a work colleague how eBay bidding works. And I won it… I’ll probably be passing this one along as 8086 machines are a little bit before my time. 8086 just doesn’t seem as whiz-bang after seeing a 1983 Apple Lisa up and running…

It reminds me of a giant Game Boy screen though when it is switched off. Dual 720KB floppy drives with the worst ever viewing angles. I’m sure it was quite a beast back in the day though.

Anyway, enjoy the video, not that much of an overview but it was late at night after a busy week. I figured that I’d put off recording a video of some sort for long enough. Enjoy! 🙂

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