Part 8 – Installing Tor
To get Tor up and running we need to install it with the following.
sudo apt-get install tor -y
And just like that Tor is installed and establishing Tor circuits.
sudo service tor stop
Let’s stop Apache as well.
sudo service apache stop
We need to tell Apache to listen for Tor traffic
sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf
Add the following. If you just want darknet websites, comment out Listen 80 by adding a # (commenting out) at the front of the line (or delete it). If you are only hosting one darknet website, comment out the second line. If you are adding even more darknet sites, just keep adding “Listen” until you are satisfied you have enough.
#Listen for clearnet and onion websites
Listen 80
Save and exit, Ctrl-O (Writeout) and Ctrl-X (Exit).
Up next we configure Apache even more!
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