Healthy Rate of Weight Loss –

Healthy Rate of Weight Loss


Ideally, I’d be losing 500g – 1kg a week, in reality, it’s closer to 1.2kg a week. An impressive feat at any rate really. Look at that dip from the blood donation earlier and then the rebuild as my body knocked together some plasma to account for the blood loss, very cool!


So I had a look at the above chart and for the last six months, late February 2016 to late July 2016, and found that the rate has been 1.13kg per week on average. This is actually better than I had expected.

So why not average it out since my first weigh in on record in late October 2008 and… we find I’ve been losing around 0.017948718kg a week, give or take for the past eight years. All that weight gain in between? All a part of my master plan to lose weight at a slower rate! 0.02kg isn’t a bad rate. That’s four servings of Vegemite a week in weight lost.

Maybe I’m just using the wrong sort of average and should switch to one of the other types. Oh that’s right, I purged all that information from my mind when the university bridging course ended six months ago. Whoops! Did I mention I’m at 81.2kg? 200g outside of the healthy weight range. Muahahaha! 😀

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