Shane’s Brains! MRI Scan – October 2023 –

Shane’s Brains! MRI Scan – October 2023

The latest update in a series of updates it seems! Recently I had the fun of being injected with a chelated form of gadolinium, affectionately known as an MRI contrast agent. It makes fluid filled bits (such as eyes, blood vessels and tumours) light up like they are a Christmas tree!

Unfortunately we are approaching two months since this headache started and it is still there. I am still sticking to indometacin 50mg once daily. Some days I increase it to 75mg in one dose. I should be spreading it out but it has until now been holding quite well with one dose each day.

I have noticed one of my neck muscles pulling itself, a spasm. Could this be the cause of the headache? It doesn’t happen when I’m awake enough to tell. It could be happening while I slumber.

On that note, pregabalin is amazing as a sleep aid, but it really has to be taken twice a day to prevent withdrawal symptoms and extreme irritability. I’ve been splitting the powder-filled capsules to try and reduce the dose as low as possible. My psychiatrist didn’t even bother with tapering up. Just 300mg once at night. Bon Jovi knows. That’s some bad medicine indeed.

A headache that won’t go away, unemployment, and an overall lack of purpose. I guess it isn’t so bad. I still have Katsu Jazz Fridays. I’m expecting to hear back about this headache in the next two weeks. I couldn’t see anything big and out of place on the MRI above, hopefully the wizards who do the report spot something. Hey, at least I’m running out of money. Wait a minute, that is not a positive. 🤷‍♀️

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