75kg Weight Goal Achieved! – McRetro.net

75kg Weight Goal Achieved!


Steady as she goes captain! Rate of loss for the last three months is sitting at 1.2kg a week. Still a bit aggressive. Ideally should be between 500g and 1kg. We don’t live in ideal times sadly. Interestingly throughout this entire chapter of weight loss my muscle mass has shed less than 10kg.

Objective 1 – Under 100kg
Objective 2 – 81kg (Healthy BMI range)
Objective 3 – 75kg (Upper middle of BMI range)
Objective 4 – 70kg (Middle of BMI range)
Objective 5 – Maintain 70kg forever


We’ve seen quite a drop from 114.7kg to the current 74.9kg, that’s 39.8kg lost. Just a little further and it will be a nice round 40kg. 40kg is more than half my current weight. Way past cool!


Wow! From the mid-40kg range of body fat to a much healthier 14kg. Definitely on the improve, and if we have a peek at lean mass (bone and muscle) we see…


…that it is on a very slight decline, which is probably more due to me losing fat my body no longer needs to hold up. Genius! The yellow range under the trend is the healthy / normal range which should collide within the next 5kgs of weight loss. Once that is done it will be time to maintain.

At this point I should really get my blood work checked to see how well my cholesterol / blood glucose levels are doing. If I had to guess I’d say they are doing bloody well with ~100g in carbs eaten per day and around 40g of those are sugars, thanks Sanitarium Up&Go! 😉

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